Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Fundamentals of the Transvaginal Sonogram

A transvaginal sonogram is a simple ultrasound that is performed on the pelvis of a woman in order to examine the cervix , uterus , vagina plus ovaries . The meaning of the word transvaginal is "through the vagina" . Ultrasound pictures are used to be able to take pictures of the internal organs of the body . Ionizing radiation is not made use in this procedure , which is the reason why it is safe and sound . The pictures are taken in real time , which makes it possible for the doctors to look at exactly how the internal organs move to determine how the blood vessels are circulating .

To perform the sonogram , the doctor makes the woman lay down on a table and support her legs by stirrups . The probe that is used to perform the ultrasound is referred to as a transducer by doctors . The transducer is positioned within the vagina and is generally covered with a condom plus gel before that is done . The probe is just how the sound waves are transferred to achieve the sonogram effect . The outcome is immediately visible on a close display . The other associated organs are checked by moving the probe around and this particular sonogram is generally carried out over expecting women .

There are various other methods of having it done , like via a saline infusion sonography or SIS . It is also known as a Sonohysterography and is mainly carried out when the doctor requires clearer photographs of the uterus . It needs sterile salt water or saline to be infused inside the uterus to offer the basis for the picture as it assists highlight deviations .

Preparations are made in line with just what the doctor wants to look at . The test is basically considered painless even though the probe exerts a little bit of pressure , which causes slight discomfort . Only a tiny part of it is positioned inside the vagina and is not positioned very deep .

There are numerous reasons why the ultrasound is done . The doctor demands a sonogram to be carried out in case s/he discovers a cyst pr fibroid tumor during a normal physical examination . A transvaginal sonogram is additionally done for complications related to vaginal bleeding as well as menstruation . It is even normally carried out for pelvic pain and ectopic pregnancies .

Expecting women might get it for somewhat differentreasons . The well-being of the unborn fetus is checked out by this sonogram in the event that a miscarriage is likely and if that is not probable , then it is performed to examine the health of the fetus . The growth of the embryo is checked by performing this particular ultrasound in the early stages of of the pregnancy . It is even carried out in the event that labor appears to have began early on .

Abnormal results might turn up for various reasons . Birth defects may even result in abnormal results . It can additionally display cancerous growths , tumors and growths over the uterus , vagina as well as ovaries . If the woman is lucky enough , the results display noncancerous growth like a cyst or perhaps fibroid rather than a malignant growth .

There is a good chance that pregnant women find their transvaginal sonograms to be a lot more serious compared to others . They may , for example , uncover that they've suffered from a miscarriage or even that they're expecting twins , triplets or more . It is even required to find out whether a woman has a shortened cervix , which may significantly boost the risk for a late miscarriage or even pre-term delivery . Other pregnancy related issues could even be discovered such as structural issues with the unborn baby . Pregnancy related tumors can additionally be found out , which permit the doctors to treat them before things go out of hand .

Find out how to Do away with Ovarian Cyst

An ovarian cyst is shaped by the collection of fluid within the ovary. It generally affects women of all ages. It is not uncommon for ovarian cysts to go away on their own and women mostly do not even know that they ever had one. Nevertheless, sometimes ovarian cyst removal becomes vital.

An ovarian cyst can be identified by a doctor in a routine pelvic exam, or in case a patient has complained of discomfort in the abdominal area. Just in case the woman does not complain of any pain, regular follow-up exams are carried out to see if the cyst goes away by itself. If the cyst does not go away, it gets bigger, or is painful. The shape, solidness as well as size of the cyst decide whether surgery is required or not. Ovarian cyst removal is needed when the cyst grows a lot more than 2 .5 inches, is either solid, twisted or even ruptured, is located in both ovaries and causes pain. It is also vital to eliminate them in case cancer is surmised. The possibility of cancer is way more in case the sufferer has a family history of it, in case the patient is old ( especially if menopause has taken place ) or the cyst is irregularly shaped.

There are two distinct kinds of surgery performed nowadays to remove ovarian cysts. The age of the patient, yearning to have children as well as symptoms basically ascertain which type of surgery is to be carried out. For the excision of ovarian cysts, laparoscopic surgery is considered to be the least intrusive. It is carried out in case the cyst is small in size or the probability of cancer is very low. The doctor begins by making a tiny incision underneath the navel. A laparoscope, which is generally a tube that has a small camera connected to it is then inserted. Carbon dioxide gas is pumped into the abdomen to make certain that the organs could be seen more clearly. With the assistance of the camera, the physician locates the cyst and then removes it. The surgical procedure is completed by closing the small slit. People who experience laparoscopic surgery can go home the very same day as it is an outpatient surgical procedure. The surgical treatment is not painful at all and affected individuals recover rather quickly. Patients could resume their normal activities in a day or so. But, intense activities like exercise may not be performed for a week or two.

The fact is that laparoscopic surgery cannot be performed on every patient. If the cyst is huge, or a risk of cancer is involved, then open surgery will be performed. General anaesthesia is given in this sort of surgery. An incision is made in the abdomen, the abdominal muscles are separated, and the area is entirely opened. The physician removes the cyst, whereas the ovaries are taken out in case cancer is present. The abdominal muscles are then sewn together again and the incision site is subsequently stapled or sewn. Since this surgery is much more invasive, patients are likely to stay at the hospital for 3-4 days. There will be much more pain as well as a longer recovery time. Recovery time is usually about 3-4 weeks for normal activity, in addition to another 2 weeks before exercise and other intense activities are suggested. Both these sorts of surgeries have issues involved with them. Problems like blood clots , blood loss, infection as well as infertility are caused by ovarian cyst removal. Even after a productive surgery, there is a fair probability that new cysts would show up. In the event that you are afflicted by ovarian cysts, your physician will guide you properly in case surgical removal is needed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Detailed Details About Borderline Ovarian Tumors

Borderline ovarian tumors are basically tumors that have the propensity to turn malignant with cells that appear like cancer cells or ovarian tumors which are in the initial stages of malignancy. These tumors are regarded as epitheliat tumors that accumulate and develop over the ovaries . A biopsy is typically done on them after they are surgically removed. Treatment is done in accordance with the findings.

Women of all ages have been seen to suffer the pain of these particular ovarian tumors since the late 1920s , however at that time they were called "semi-malignant tumors". This name basically helped distinguish these from other tumors that were suspected to be malignant or were benign. The term was changed in the 1970's when the doctors started terming tumors as either benign , borderline or perhaps malignant. 15% of all the tumors that are identified each year end up being epithelial tumors. It is assumed that childbearing women are more prone to develop these kinds of tumors, but they can similarly develop in females of all ages. Seeing that borderline ovarian tumors develop at a very slow rate, they are mostly identified when having routine medical checks prior to them progessing to an extremely critical stage of malignancy. It is common for these to be enclosed within the ovary when they are discovered . This is why the survival rate among women identified as having this sort of tumor is fairly high.

The detection of this type of ovarian tumor is somewhat challenging because of the fact that their signs and symptoms arise rather late and a number of women do not even have any discomforts at all. As the tumor starts off growing , women start complaining about abdominal pain as well as an unexplainable girth increase surrounding the waist and abdomen. They may have an abdominal mass and abdominal distention, nevertheless one quarter of the females who are diagnosed are asymptomatic . The sources of these types of ovarian cancer are not really identified, but medical professionals largely connect them with age of first menstrual period, age of first conception, age of first delivery, smoking habits, oral contraceptives, menstrual history together with family history of ovarian cancer . These kinds of ovarian tumors are thought to have two main subtypes. Developing from the tissue lining of the ovary, Serous tumors are the most commonly identified ones. Nevertheless, the roots of Mucinous tumors are unknown. Research reveals that specific forms of tumors are directly linked to the appendix.

Borderline ovarian tumors are normally dealt with by surgical removal . The tumor is then forwarded for biopsy to figure out if cancer cells have spread out causing a danger to surrounding tissue and organs.
Patients are sometimes required to go through radiation therapy or chemotherapy as a safety measure. The operational removal of these types of tumors is somewhat debatable as a majority of women clinically diagnosed with them are of childbearing age, however no additional treatment is considered to have any beneficial outcomes . The single contraindication of surgical treatment usually come up when sufferers either decline this treatment or face a risk because of other medical issues. All other cases are dealt with by surgical treatment. The results of surgical removal are quite beneficial and a great deal of women are relieved.

Friday, March 4, 2011

About Hemorrhagic

Ladies, here's a good insight for you all Do you know about Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst that it is there in your body all throughout especially during your menstrual period? Surprisingly, yes! Have you ever thought of it? Now is the right time to learn about Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst. Be aware of this and share with your other female friends.This article provides useful information about Hemorrhagic cyst. Its objective is to safeguard you from all possible danger. It is still best to be well equipped from all this to be able to react properly in case problem arise

Did you know that Hemorrhagic cysts are the most common ovarian cyst? Blood Cyst is another name for Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst. As mentioned earlier, this is due to the occurrence during the menstrual period. Although it is benign and harmless and should not worry about, a better understanding is needed in dealing with cyst.

Blood cysts are there, it is said that will not disintegrate. However, it leaks through the pelvic region which is the reason of the flaming and discomfort effect. The blood cyst swells covering the whole ovary adding pain. Most women will experience this pain on their right side of the abdominal area. It may aggravate into blood clots that may restrict the normal blood circulation. It may affect and slowly damage the ovary if it worsens.

The problem is that often times, these cysts take place, retreat, remain undetected and disappear within one or two menstrual cycles before females are aware of them. Once in a while, general check is recommended to avoid the risk of having ovarian cyst.

Ruptured ovarian cyst is the only one which is said to be dangerous. When the body decrease to secrete Luteinizing Hormones, the egg will be fully attached to the follicle. Thus, it will start to develop into cyst. This will be a form of destruction because of pain and discomfort.

Some symptoms that female can take note for the rapture ovarian cysts are:

1. Frequent irregular menstrual periods
2. Are you now experiencing some aches on your pelvic area?
3. Experienced any pains on your pelvis before and after your menstrual period
4.Pain in the pelvis during intercourse
5. Nausea, breast tenderness and vomiting
6. Heaviness or fullness in the abdomen
7. Pressure on the rectum or bladder

Cysts may be disturbing and most of us will think that this will lead to cancer. To clear the misconception, studies show that ovarian hemorrhagic cyst is not cancerous. However, having said that, it is still possible to be cured. Ruptured ovarian cysts may be the worst of the entire hemorrhagic cyst but it is not cancerous. So do not panic, but instead seek for medical assistance. It will only aggravate your pain if you do not bother. If you want to know more about the hemorrhagic cyst, please visit www.ovarian-cancer-facts.com//hemorrhagic-ovarian-cyst-html.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Everything Regarding Dermoid Ovarian Cyst

The regular questions for women that suffer from this condition are what exactly is dermoid ovarian cycts?! How to heal it and we'll cover this on this article
There are numerous mistaken beliefs and misconceptions about having this dermoid ovarian cysts leading to depression and trauma in immature minds. This may also further lead to many complications. For this reason, The most effective course of action in this disease or any kind of illness for example is preventing it this also could only be accomplished with the knowledge required to battle this disorder.

A dermoid ovarian cyst
it can be regarded as being a cystic teratoma which has mature skin that is complete with sweat glands, follicles of hair as also pockets of stale blood, fat, bone, cartilages, nails, teeth, as well as traces of thyroid tissues. The rare malignant dermoid cyst usually develops squamous cell carcinoma in older adults; in infants and kids it usually develops endodermal sinus tumor. Being totipotential, that cell can emerge to all or any orders of cells necessary to form mature tissues and sometimes identifiable structures such as hair, bone and sebaceous or oily material, neural tissue and teeth.
The commonly affected generation for females is 25-30 Around 15% of ladies with ovarian teratomas keep these things both in ovaries. Its size ranges is from your centimeter as much as 45 cm.
Dermoid cysts come in nature harmless but not cancerous. Dermoid Ovarian Cyst are foundwithin ovaries for long periods of time.One of many indications of dermoid cyst presence is irregular menstruation cycles. Lots of women not cure dermoid ovarian cyst at once for emotional reasons. But, dermoid cysts can and does split themselves and multiply thus you need to monitor it addressing this ailment once it develops is recommend to prevent it from spreading like exactly what I have mentioned this cyst has got the tendency to separate and mutiply.
This cysts are not really considered harmful or affects women that are pregnant but we never can be too careful so it's imperative to treat this problem before it gets out of control.
The kind, nature and sized the cyst determines what effects they have on the body. Because of the fact the bigger the cyst the better probable it would broken up the higher the cyst the greater dangerous it really is. Like a few things I have mentioned dermoid cysts are non cancerous naturally there is however a small percentage of times when in it can affect cancer cells. Regardless of whether they may not be deadly, dermoid ovarian cyst can be extremely painful.
Therefore, it needs a proper means of treatment to heal this and completely eliminate these. Since typical or traditional treatment can't cure the condition, the only real choice left is surgery. However, there's no assurance that the cyst will be completely removed and the patient may re-visit in the future for surgery again. What you need to do is take the help of the holistic approach to treating the condition and to eliminate the cyst completely. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So how exactly does Ovarian Cysts Treatment work

One of the main medical problems that hunt women’s lives is cysts on ovary. This chooses no age bracket, race and social fortune. It is said that in most cases ovarian cysts is easily treatable or a mild health issue having said that we never can be too careful women must fully understand the nature of this condition because it is a common disease for women and chooses no age group, race or social standing it is able to affect anyone women therefore we must grasp its different stages and the best ovarian cysts treatment available.

Ovarian cysts are often small fluid-filled sacs that create inside a woman's ovaries. The existence of these cysts itself is harmless it is when these cysts rapture and bleed that they turn into a serious issue

Below are its common characteristics and symptoms
1. Bloated abdomen
2. Sharp stubborn pain in the lower abdomen
3. Breast tenderness
4. Alteration and difficulty emptying the bladder
5. Irregular menstrual periods
6. Spotting

There are various types of ovarian cysts:
1. Follicular Cysts -
this is the most common form of ovarian cysts, in accordance with Wikipedia: This type can form when ovulation doesn't occur, and a follicle doesn't rupture or release its egg but rather grows until it turns into a cyst, or when a mature follicle involutes (collapses on itself). 

2. corpus luteum cyst -
this cyst comes into form when an egg has been released from a follicle.

3. hemorrhagic cyst -
this cyst is also one of the most common cysts this is also known as the blood cyst, when a blood floods into a cyst causes by a vessel from a wall of a cyst breaking hemorrhagic cysts are formed.

4. dermoid cyst -
this cyst is thought to affect younger women and in some cases grows to six inches in diameter which contains body tissues like fat, hair, bone, cartilage etc. it's also typically called a badnormal cyst by many physicians this cyst grows slowly and are not tender unless it breaks.

To reduce pain brought on these cysts there are medications that your doctor or physician will prescribed such as paracetamol or acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), or narcotic pain medicine. To counteract these cysts to grow in size a combined oral contraceptive pills are used to regulate menstrual cycle. Also , it is advised to take warm baths to eliminate the pain. To relax the abdomen muscles you can apply heating pads to the lower abdomen. If you want alternative treatment options you can choose to go with homeopathic, blue cohosh and antioxidant supplements and healthy special diets.

Cystectomy procedure whereby the cystic structures are removed or other surgical interventions can be utilized as ovarian cysts treatment but only for those non-cancerous cases. Another un famous procedure is oophorectomy it is not commonly used because it surgically removes one or both ovaries and the patients has to take a prescribed hormonal replacement therapy in order to compensate with the ceased production and regulation of levels of estrogen of a woman’s body.

This particular blog post aims to educate you with the basic understanding of ovarian cysts to determine which will be the best treatment for you consult your doctor or physician. Getting the guidance of the medical personnel who handled your case and discussing with him/her the present health status in order to settle for the most suitable treatment is the safest way to do before anything else.

To supply yourself with broad know-how about ovarian cysts treatment visit this website, http://www.ovarian-cancer-facts.com/ovarian-cysts-treatment.html

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Comprehending Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Health is wealth, as they say, holds true and with this we've got to always be certain you are in excellent health inside and outside but it is also true that we sometimes, we don't understand that a specific condition has already been knocking at our health's door irrespective of how we've done our best as a measure to prevent their attack because we don't have any idea what indicators they have and we have no idea that such disease ever exist.

One such terrible health problem is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome even with the age of easy accessibility to information still some women do not know this ailment, a typical bodily hormone disorder affecting 5-10percent of women of reproductive age and a condition which strikes the ovaries because a woman's bodily hormones are out of balance. Below are the most known causes of PCOS

• Inherited predisposition.
• Insulin resistance or hyperinsulinism (high blood amounts of insulin).
• Morbid obesity.
• Hyperandrogenism (extreme manufacture of male hormones).
• Abnormality of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (organ/hormonal disorder).
• Environmental chemical pollution (hormonal disruptors)
• Food adulterantion (excitatory proteins, as an example)
• Chronic inflammation. There's two typically associated cause

1. Ovaries aren't producing sufficient male sex hormones
2. Insuling, a hormone that regulates fat metabolism is not properly use by the body.

, this disorder is notable by an ovary that is much larger than normal but to fight this illness we first need to recognize it and know when we are being infected by it, we have listed below the symptoms and signs of PCOS:

• Acne.
• Excess fat and problems relating to weight-loss.
• Existence of hair on the face and body.
• Getting thinner hair on the scalp.
• Irregular periods.
• Fertility problems.
• Depressive disorders.
• Most women with this condition have many small cysts on their ovaries

Once you encounter the above listed warning signs the most efficient and recommended course of action would be to pay a visit to your doctor or physician, though physical exercise, eating balanced diet and quitting smoking can heal this illness as they lessen the danger of diabetes still nothing beats an viewpoint from a doctor or physician don't risk your health, usually your doctor or physician will recommend medicines such as birth control pills, fertility medicines and diabetes medicines also make sure to revisit your doctor or physician after a few days to make sure the treatment is working

In any kind of disease it is always essential for a ailment to be clinically diagnosed as early as possible to be able to prevent the ailment from triggering more harm to your body this is why we urge you to go to your physician or doctor as soon as you experience indications. Like what I have mentioned the best weapon against this disorder or any disorder for that matter is information therefore we must also be well informed on the nature of this problem, its periods and treatments so on and so forth.

Though it is said that there are no known exact cure for this ailment but only treatment of its symptoms to only reduce the dangers of future problems or to reduce the damages it will inflict to your body this problem is a highly treatable condition you will just have to make changes in lifestyle and get proper treatment to have a pretty good possibility of living free of its symptoms and never developing problems such as cardiovascular disease or diabetic issues

Don't wait until it is too late to inform yourself and take good care of your health with new viruses sprouting up frequently we can never ever be too careful. For more information on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and other similar health topics visit one of the most distinguished, revered and highly valued authority on these matters go to www.ovarian-cancer-facts.com/polycystic-ovarian-syndrome.html