Borderline ovarian tumors are basically tumors that have the propensity to turn malignant with cells that appear like cancer cells or ovarian tumors which are in the initial stages of malignancy. These tumors are regarded as epitheliat tumors that accumulate and develop over the ovaries . A biopsy is typically done on them after they are surgically removed. Treatment is done in accordance with the findings.
Women of all ages have been seen to suffer the pain of these particular ovarian tumors since the late 1920s , however at that time they were called "semi-malignant tumors". This name basically helped distinguish these from other tumors that were suspected to be malignant or were benign. The term was changed in the 1970's when the doctors started terming tumors as either benign , borderline or perhaps malignant. 15% of all the tumors that are identified each year end up being epithelial tumors. It is assumed that childbearing women are more prone to develop these kinds of tumors, but they can similarly develop in females of all ages. Seeing that borderline ovarian tumors develop at a very slow rate, they are mostly identified when having routine medical checks prior to them progessing to an extremely critical stage of malignancy. It is common for these to be enclosed within the ovary when they are discovered . This is why the survival rate among women identified as having this sort of tumor is fairly high.
The detection of this type of ovarian tumor is somewhat challenging because of the fact that their signs and symptoms arise rather late and a number of women do not even have any discomforts at all. As the tumor starts off growing , women start complaining about abdominal pain as well as an unexplainable girth increase surrounding the waist and abdomen. They may have an abdominal mass and abdominal distention, nevertheless one quarter of the females who are diagnosed are asymptomatic . The sources of these types of ovarian cancer are not really identified, but medical professionals largely connect them with age of first menstrual period, age of first conception, age of first delivery, smoking habits, oral contraceptives, menstrual history together with family history of ovarian cancer . These kinds of ovarian tumors are thought to have two main subtypes. Developing from the tissue lining of the ovary, Serous tumors are the most commonly identified ones. Nevertheless, the roots of Mucinous tumors are unknown. Research reveals that specific forms of tumors are directly linked to the appendix.
Borderline ovarian tumors are normally dealt with by surgical removal . The tumor is then forwarded for biopsy to figure out if cancer cells have spread out causing a danger to surrounding tissue and organs.
Patients are sometimes required to go through radiation therapy or chemotherapy as a safety measure. The operational removal of these types of tumors is somewhat debatable as a majority of women clinically diagnosed with them are of childbearing age, however no additional treatment is considered to have any beneficial outcomes . The single contraindication of surgical treatment usually come up when sufferers either decline this treatment or face a risk because of other medical issues. All other cases are dealt with by surgical treatment. The results of surgical removal are quite beneficial and a great deal of women are relieved.
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